I have seen that all of the tools that science and nature have offered us can take us much deeper into healing and growth when the mind, body and heart are examined together.

Supporting principles of harmony, balance and walking in right relationship to all aspects of your life.

The work I offer is for those who are ready to really defend and nurture the physical vessel they’ve been entrusted with. This work is for those willing to walk into all corners of their psyche bravely and respectfully. This work is for those who know that tending to the whole and honoring how each realm influences the others is imperative if we expect to deeply heal and grow.

It is my goal to attend to the underlying cause of suffering and not just address symptoms. This is why your approach in this work is unique to you. No one else shares your individual geometry - how all parts of you come together to feel whole again is an individual process, unique to only you. I don’t work with predetermined plans, diets, supplements or drugs prescribed based only on a clinical diagnosis.

Where you sit with the work of designing what your distinctly different approach would look like is where I offer my support.

A little bit about where I’m from and my credentials.

My interest in integrative healthcare developed while working with Mother Theresa’s orphanage for disabled children and palliative care hospital in India. It was there that I learned how an integrative, open approach to healthcare is what best serves the patient, their families, and their community. Shortly after becoming licenced as a naturopathic doctor I shifted my focus to integrate mind-body-heart medicine within my clinical practice. I made this change when I saw that deep healing of the physical body is really only possible when the mind comes into balance as well - and healing of the mind is really only possible when the physical body also comes into balance. When both are addressed with the help of the heart, the opening to heal much faster and with much more grace is available to us.

I made the choice to not renew my Naturopathic licence on January 1, 2024. To truly be of more profound assistance to my community I require more freedom to access finer tools. Letting go of my license puts me in a better position to be able to provide my patients with something much more unique, truly holistic, and deeply healing.

I hold a doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, a Bachelor of Science degree in biology, I am a certified breath coach, I am an accredited member of Integrative Medicine for Mental Health (IMMMH), and I’ve completed TheraPsil’s Prescriber Training Program.

I’ve extensively studied Jungian psychotherapy, somatic IFS, somatic EMDR, inner child and inner parent work, writing therapy, various forms of trauma therapy, and unique techniques that leverage the mind to heal pain, discomfort, and multiple physical conditions and diseases.

Body-Mind-Heart Medicine

The skills and tools I offer and teach…

  • Should foster your sense of freedom and spaciousness while you change and transform.

  • Are used for not only those struggling with a mental or physical illness but also for those exploring the potential of their psycho-spiritual and physical potential.

  • Are drawn upon during chapters in life that seem to lack clarity, direction, and support.

  • Help you to feel more connected to yourself, your community, and nature.

Healing begins with kind acts of nourishment offered to the body and mind.

These acts summon immense healing potential from within you.

This ancient healing power is available to all of us.